We offer quick, safe, effective and responsive pest control solutions to protect you and your property from pest infestations and associated risks.
As India’s landscape is ever-changing, our treatments consider apartments and homes that have been standing still or newly renovated, that often fall prey to pests. Our customized flush-out treatments are effective and safe. We use a gentle non-staining water-based treatment indoors and on all surfaces.
Most importantly, BRIDGE understands that protecting your family, loved ones and pets is your priority. That is why our treatments focus on source reduction to minimize the use of chemicals and where possible, we will recommend you non-toxic or low toxicity treatment options. For your peace of mind, we also use water-based chemicals so that any chemical residues can be easily removed from your home once it has done its job and eliminated the pest.
BRIDGE understands how frustrating it can be to have pests in your home. Once an infestation has taken hold of your sanctuary, off the counter remedies just don’t work. We offer diagnostic services for detailed pest identification including common pests like rats, bed bugs & ants etc..
When it comes to pest control in your business, our expert solutions are customized to each industry in India, from providing chemical free treatments in food factories to asthmatic safe misting in schools. Our discretion and expertise compliance ensures a time sensitive resolution to your pest problems.